Threads provide a way to run multiple parts of the code in parallel. When you
launch a new thread, the execution is split and both the new thread and the
caller run in parallel.
To use a $(U Thread), you construct it directly with the function to execute
as the entry point of the thread. $(U Thread) has multiple template
constructors, which means that you can use several types of entry points:
functions with no arguments
delegates with no arguments
The thread ends when its function is terminated. If the owner $(U Thread)
instance is destroyed before the thread is finished, the destructor will wait
(see `wait()`).)
Threads provide a way to run multiple parts of the code in parallel. When you launch a new thread, the execution is split and both the new thread and the caller run in parallel.
To use a $(U Thread), you construct it directly with the function to execute as the entry point of the thread. $(U Thread) has multiple template constructors, which means that you can use several types of entry points:
$(PARA The thread ends when its function is terminated. If the owner $(U Thread) instance is destroyed before the thread is finished, the destructor will wait (see `wait()`).)